Perry Dismisses Breakup Rumors, Aerosmith Are “Taking a Breather”

September 23rd, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Kane/WireImage
Joe Perry gave Aerosmith fans a scare last week when he revealed that he and Steven Tyler haven’t spoken since the singer’s stage fall in South Dakota put the brakes on the band’s summer tour. Rumors of an inevitable breakup for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group quickly began circulating, but Perry calmed fans’ fears by telling the Boston Herald that he was disappointed by the tour’s sudden end, but doesn’t think this is the end of Aerosmith.

“Maybe we have three more records in us. Maybe we have five [and] seven years of touring,” Perry told the Herald. Perry added “Aerosmith is taking a breather” and that he hopes the band will reconvene in late spring to begin recording their next album and plot out a tour for next fall. Even though Perry and Tyler haven’t spoken in the last month and a half, Perry doesn’t see the radio silence lasting that much longer. “That day will come. Whether it’s him calling me or me calling him, it will happen,” Perry said.

As for his comments that he and Tyler hadn’t penned a song together in the same room for over a decade, Perry recognized that was partly because they’d outsourced that task to other songwriters. While he said that technique has been successful, Perry noted he fears outside writers deviate from the classic Aerosmith sound (”I Don’t Want to Miss A Thing,” written by Diane Warren, comes to mind). “I don’t mind using outside songwriters but I’d still like to see an Aerosmith where the core of the music comes from the guys in the band,” Perry said.

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Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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